Dream of Migrant workers transfer in South Korea Campaign

Convenience : Transfer fund from any local Korean Banks to BAAC directly

Fast : Receive money within a day (before local time 13.00 hrs)

Special Fee : Fund transfer direct to BAAC THB 100/transaction only Sender (Thai labour in South Korea)

First method : Open account , register and transfer via ATM Kookmin THB30/transaction only (not exceed THB180,000)

Second method : Make fund transfer from any local Banks (fee depends on each local Banks announcement)

Receiver : Receive fund transfer to BAAC directly THB100/transaction only

Money transfer service from abroad via SWIFT to the deposit accounts with BAAC. Instruction for sender from overseas as follows :

For more information
Please contact International Business Division, Banking and International Business Department Call (+66)2-555-0447 or (+66)2-558-6555 EXT. 6039-41 or BAAC Call Center 02-555-0555
